姓名: 郑茂盛
职称: 副教授、博士生导师
1. 水治理理论与技术 Water Treatment Theory and Technology
2. 环境微生物 Environmental Microbiology
郑茂盛,男,1987年11月生,华北电力大学环境科学与工程学院副院长。2015年毕业于北京大学环境工程专业,获理学博士学位。同年7月到华北电力大学环境科学与工程从事教学科研工作。2017年聘为硕士生导师,2019年晋升为副教授,2020年聘为博士生导师。在好氧反硝化生物脱氮技术、水处理过程中温室气体控制、一步式硝化菌的检测与生态位特征等方向开展了深入研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、上海市科委重大项目子课题、黑臭水体的固定化微生物治理技术、磁混凝沉淀工艺设计等课题10余项,出版英文专著1部,授权国家发明专利10余项,发表SCI收录论文30余篇。兼任Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Chinese Chemical Letters,安全与环境工程学报等期刊的青年编委成员。多项研究成果与中电建、中石油、交通运输部、中国大唐等企事业单位合作完成了产学研转化应用,取得了显著的社会经济效益。
1. 本科教学课程:
2. 研究生教学课程
3. 学生培养
4. 学生获得荣誉
(1)国家自然科学基金青年项目,完全氨氧化菌在我国典型农田土壤中的丰度及氨氧化活性研究, 2018.01-2020.12。
(2)北京市自然科学基金青年项目,一步式硝化菌在污水处理系统中的丰度及氨氧化贡献研究, 2017.01-2018.12。
Maosheng Zheng. Nitrogen removal characteristics of aerobic denitrifying bacteria and their applications. Springer, 2018, ISSN: 2190-5053.
倪晋仁*, 郑茂盛, 仝国平. 一株不同溶解氧条件下脱氮除磷的铜绿假单胞菌及其应用: 中国, ZL201210395333.X, 2013-07-05.
郑茂盛, 柴子民, 尤文博, 裴翔. 一株具有好氧反硝化及温室气体减排功能的施氏假单胞菌. ZL202111585008.5, 2023-10-13.
郑茂盛, 姚伟, 苏吉拉.穆雷克齐.吉文森, 詹莹. 一株具有耐盐好氧反硝化特性的柴油食烷菌. ZL202211688170.4, 2023-10-20.
郑茂盛, 李云龙, 牟广利, 王庆彬, 唐珉磊, 陈瑾, 郑伊泽, 宋超,一种富集氨氧化微生物的方法及富集氨氧化微生物制品. ZL 2023 1 0892397.9,2024-05-10.
郑茂盛, 姚伟, 李云龙, 陈红伟. 一种亲水聚氨酯填料及其制备方法. ZL202311562940.5, 2024-11-19.
Chai Z., Tian Z., Zheng M.*, Wang B., Li Y., Cui J., Ju F., Guo J. 2025. The functional dominance and metabolic diversity of comammox Nitrospira in recirculating aquaculture systems. Water Research 273, 122949.
Zhang A., Zhu M., Zheng Y., Tian Z., Mu G., Zheng M.* 2024. The significant contribution of comammox bacteria to nitrification in a constructed wetland revealed by DNA-based stable isotope probing. Bioresour Technol., 399: 130637.
Li Y., Wang Q., Chen H., Song C., Zheng Y., Chai Z., Zheng M.* 2024. Multi-stage oxic biofilm system for pilot-scale treatment of coking wastewater: Pollutants removal performance, biofilm properties and microbial community. Bioresoure Technology 411: 131271.
Li Y., Chai Z., Song C., Chen J., Gu A., Mu G., Ge R., Zheng M.* 2024. The superiority of hydrophilic polyurethane in comammox-dominant ammonia oxidation during low-strength wastewater treatment. Science of the Total Environment 935: 173017.
Cui Y., He W., Wang Z., Yang H., Zheng M.*, Li Y. Reduced estrogenic risks of a sunscreen additive: Theoretical design and evaluation of functionally improved salicylates. Journal of Hazardous Materials 477, 135371.
Zheng M.*, Tian Z., Chai Z., Zhang A., Gu A., Mu G., Wu D., Guo J.* 2023. Ubiquitous occurrence and functional dominance of comammox Nitrospira in full-scale wastewater treatment plants, Water Research, 236: 119931.
王献昆,田志超,周南,赵志荣,何诗诗,余艳鸽,辜晓原,翟德勤,郑茂盛.2023. 河流疏浚底泥余水的固定化微生物技术处理研究.工业水处理, 43: 123-132.
Zheng M., Mu G., Zhang A., Wang J. *, Chang F., Niu J., Wang X., Gao T., Zhao Z. 2022. Predominance of comammox bacteria among ammonia oxidizers under low dissolved oxygen condition. Chemosphere, 308: 136436.
He S., Zhao Z., Tian Z., Xu C., Liu Y., He D., Zhang Y., Zheng M.* 2022. Comammox bacteria predominate among ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in municipal but not in industrial wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Environmental Management, 316: 115271.
Yang X., Duan J., Zhang X., Zhang H., Liu X., Feng Y., Zheng M.* 2022. Heterojunction architecture of Nb2O5/g-C3N4 for enhancing photocatalytic activity to degrade organic pollutants and deactivate bacteria in water. Chinese Chemical Letters, 33: 3792-3796.
Tian Z., Zhou N., You W., He D., Chang F., Zheng M.* 2021. Mitigating NO and N2O emissions from a pilot-scale oxidation ditch using bioaugmentation of immobilized aerobic denitrifying bacteria. Bioresource Technology 340, 125704.
You W., Peng W., Tian Z., Zheng M.* 2021. Uranium bioremediation with U(VI)-reducing bacteria. Science of the Total Environment 798, 149107.
Zheng M., Zhou N., He S., Chang F., Zhong J., Xu S., Wang Z., Liu T. 2021. Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from a pilot-scale oxidation ditch under different COD/N ratios, aeration rates and two shock-load conditions. Journal of Environmental Management 280, 111657.
Gu W., Li X., Li Q., Hou Y., Zheng M.*, Li Y. 2021. Combined remediation of polychlorinated naphthalene-contaminated soil under multiple scenarios. Journal of Hazardous Materials 405, 124139.
Zheng M., He S., Feng Y., Wang M., Liu Y.X., Dang C., Wang J.* 2021. Active ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in wastewater treatment systems. Journal of Environmental Sciences 102, 273-282.
He S., Li Y., Mu H., Zhao Z., Wang J., Liu S., Sun Z., Zheng, M.* 2021. Ammonium concentration determines differential growth of comammox and canonical ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes in soil microcosms. Applied Soil Ecology 157, 103776.
孙振丽, 王宁, 陈慧, 张娴, 张俱珧, 郑茂盛*. 2021. 基于CiteSpace 的磁性SERS 检测技术研究态势分析. 化学通报, 84, 6: 620-626.
Yang X., Duan J., Zhang X., Zhang H., Liu X., Feng Y., Zheng, M.* 2021. Heterojunction architecture of Nb2O5/g-C3N4 for enhancing photocatalytic activity to degrade organic pollutants and deactivate bacteria in water. Chinese Chemical Letters.
Zhao Z., Huang G., He S., Zhou N., Wang M., Dang C., Wang J., Zheng M.* 2019. Abundance and community composition of comammox bacteria in different ecosystems by a universal primer set. Sci. Total Environ. 691, 146-155.
Zhou N., Dang C., Zhao Z., He S., Zheng, M.*, Liu W., Wang X. 2019. Role of sludge retention rime in mitigation of nitrous oxide emission from a pilot-scale oxidation ditch. Bioresource Technology, 292, 121961.
Zheng M., Zhou N., Liu S., Dang C., Liu Y., He S., Zhao Y., Liu W.*, Wang X.* 2019. N2O and NO emission from a biological aerated filter treating coking wastewater: Main source and microbial community. J. Clean. Prod. 213, 365-374.
Zhou N., Zhao Z., Wang H., Chen X., Wang M., He S., Liu W., Zheng, M.* 2019. The effects of graphene oxide on nitrification and N2O emission: Dose and exposure time. Environ. Pollut. 252 (Pt B), 960-966.
Li C., Liu S., Ma T., Zheng M.*, Ni J.* 2019. Simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) under low temperature. Chemosphere, 229, 132-141.
Zheng M., Wang M., Zhao Z., Zhou N., He S., Liu S., Wang J., Wang X. 2018. Transcriptional activity and diversity of comammox bacteria as a previously overlooked ammonia oxidizing prokaryote in full-scale wastewater treatment plants. Sci. Total Environ. 656: 717-722.
Wang, M., Huang, G., Zhao, Z., Dang, C., Liu, W., Zheng, M.* 2018. Newly designed primer pair revealed dominant and diverse comammox amoA gene in full-scale wastewater treatment plants. Bioresour. Technol. 270, 580-587.
何诗诗,周 南,赵志荣,王明远,郑茂盛*. 2019. 氧化石墨烯材料对水溶液中放射性核素的吸附去除研究进展. 核化学与放射化学.
Zheng M., Fu H.Z., Ho Y.S. 2017. Research trends and hotspots related to ammonia oxidation based on bibliometric analysis. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 24(25): 20409-20421.
Zheng M., Li C., Liu S., Gui M., Ni J. 2016. Potential application of aerobic denitrifying bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa PCN-2 in nitrogen oxides (NOx) removal from flue gas. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 318, 571-578.
Gui M., Chen Q., Ma T., Zheng M., Ni J. 2016. Effects of heavy metals on aerobic denitrification by strain Pseudomonas stutzeri PCN-1.
Liu T., Liu S., Zheng M., Chen Q., Ni J. 2016. Performance Assessment of Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plants Based on Seasonal Variability of Microbial Communities via High-Throughput Sequencing. Plos One, 11, e0152998.
Zheng M., Tian Y., Liu T., Ma T., Li L., Li C., Ahmad M., Chen Q., Ni J.* 2015. Minimization of nitrous oxide emission in a pilot-scale oxidation ditch: generation, spatial variation and microbial interpretation. Bioresource Technology 179, 510-517. (IF=4.494)
Zheng M., Ma L.K., Li T.H.*, Huang R. 2017. Rapid Assessment Method for Eco-water Deficit in Catchments. Journal of Environmental Informatics 30, 149-160.
Zheng M., He D., Ma T., Chen Q., Liu S., Ahmad M., Gui M., Ni J.* 2014. Reducing NO and N2O emission during aerobic denitrification by newly isolated Pseudomonas stutzeri PCN-1. Bioresource Technology 162, 80-88. (IF=4.494)
Zheng M., He D., Ma T., Ni J.* Isolation and nitrogen removal characteristics of aerobic denitrifying bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa HD4-2. Cross-Strait Forum on Postgraduate Education. University of Macau, November 3-4, 2013. (国际会议)
Zhu S., Zheng M., Li C., Gui M., Chen Q., Ni J.* 2015. Special role of corn flour as an ideal carbon source for aerobic denitrification with minimized nitrous oxide emission. Bioresource Technology 186, 44-51.
He D., Zheng M., Ma T., Li C., Ni J.* 2015. Interaction of aerobic Cr (VI) reduction and denitrification by strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa PCN-2. Bioresource Technology 185, 346-352.
He D., Zheng M., Ma T., Ni J.* Nitrite interference and elimination in diphenylcarbazide (DPCI) spectrophotometric determination of hexavalent chromium. Water Science and Technology 72, 223-229.
Chen Q., Ni J.*, Ma T., Liu T., Zheng M. 2015. Bioaugmentation treatment of municipal wastewater with heterotrophic-aerobic nitrogen removal bacteria in a pilot-scale SBR. Bioresource Technology 183, 25-32.
Zhang B.*, Liu Y., Tong S., Zheng M., Zhao Y., Tian C., Liu H., Feng C. 2014. Enhancement of bacterial denitrification for nitrate removal in groundwater with electrical stimulation from microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources 268, 423-429.
徐硕, 郑茂盛, 周海霞, 许楠*. 2014. 好氧污泥氨氧化活性对雌激素降解效率的影响研究. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 50, 535-541.
张秀霞*, 郑茂盛, 王荣靖, 梁昌峰, 徐硕. 2010. 石油污染土壤中高效石油烃降解菌Y-16的筛选及其降解性能. 环境工程学报, 4, 1916-1920.